Monday 2 May 2011

Finish line

Here we are. I'm done. My thesis is written. My poster is printed. My webpage is uploaded and ready for viewing. And all one day before the deadline too! This makes today notable not just for Osama Bin Laden's death. :)

It has been a slog as I am sure you could tell. I managed to plough some understanding out of the murky subject of two-dimensional noninvertible maps. And now I pass it to you.

My webpage is available for your viewing pleasure.
On it are links to my poster and thesis. (Ah, just tried to upload my thesis pdf to it and it didn't work...I'll try again tomorrow so check for it then!).

*dusts hands off* Right that's a third of this year and 16.667% of my degree done. Onwards to viva and exams!

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo! Congrats hun, seems like a successful end to an important year. Just the exams/viva to go, which I'm sure you'll ace.

    Here's to my friend the genius!
